Here are 11 delicious smoothie recipes

Smoothees are the health nut’s rage today!

And why shouldn’t they be?

Smoothees help to give you nutrition, protein, and great taste all in one tasty glass. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. See full disclosure here.

When you add in fruits and vegetables, you help your body get the needed number each day in a tasty way.

You can improve your digestion by letting your blender “chew” your food while still providing your body great fiber.

Drinking smoothees with  Life Shake Protein added helps you to lose weight and have more energy.

There are lots of more reasons too to drink smoothees, but for now, let’s get started on some recipes! Just click on the image to enlarge it or download it to your own computer and print it out.

Check out this free nutrition assessment to see what vitamins you might be missing.

Here are 11 amazing smoothee recipes for you to try:

smoothee recipes 3

Which smoothee will you try first?

Leave a comment below to share your favorite recipe.

Check out these 11 delicious smoothee recipes