Did you know that your digestive health is crucial to so many other systems in your body working well?

It’s true.

Your immune system is largely in your gut.

Healthy skin is affected directly by a healthy gut.

Watch this for more information on achieving good digestive health:

Many researchers believe that supporting intestinal health and restoring the integrity of the gut barrier will be one of the most important goals of medicine in the 21st century.

There are a lot of different causes of digestive issues. These can be:

  • Food allergies
  • Lack of protein absorption or poor protein source
  • Eating all the wrong foods, too much sugar, fats, and processed foods
  • Overeating

You gut bacteria are extremely important for many aspects of digestive health.

Many studies have shown that a disrupted flora can lead to numerous chronic diseases.

Probiotics are the live cultures that you need in your digestive tract to support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection.

Shaklee’s Optiflora system keeps the undesirable bacteria in check, helps to eliminate intestinal distress, and strengthens the immune system.

I have a friend who has Lyme’s Disease. She goes to a doctor who is a Lyme’s specialist and he told her he wanted her to get on Shaklee’s probiotic. She responded that she was already on a probiotic from the nutrition store.

He responded sternly, “No! You go get Shaklee probiotic. It is the only one that has been proven to have the majority of the live cultures reach the small intestines where they are needed.”

Don’t you love that when a doctor recommends a quality product? I sure do.

Digestive health issues can also stem from lack of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes can help your body digest food better and can eliminate gas.

Gut health is critical to overall health, and an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases.

Take action to improve your digestive health the natural way.


Remember, folks, this post is the opinion of the author and is not meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your health professional for all your health concerns and how to build a healthy immune system.