Need more energy these days?

You know how you get that draggy feeling during the day and feel like a balloon that has had all the air leak out of it?

Not only do you feel tired, but you also find it hard to focus on what you need to do . . . what you want to do . . . and most importantly, what God has given you to do!

And to make matters worse, since you can’t focus to get stuff done, you start feeling depressed. You feel like “what’s the use?” and “I’m no good at this.”

The most common complaint I hear from my clients is: “I need more energy!”

Being in the health and wellness industry, I talk to a lot of people about how they are feeling and what health challenges are slowing them down.

Nicki told me that hands down, it is a lack of energy.

Jerry told me that he wanted to get up early to exercise, but he simply had no energy to do so.

I need more energyMelissa told me that it is all she can do to get up and get dressed. Performing other tasks is difficult because she has no energy.

So rest assured, your problem is a common one.

But God doesn’t mean for you to go through life struggling with no energy to fulfill the mission He has give you.

There are a lot of different things you can do to boost your energy.

But a major key to long-term vitality is a complement of quality vitamins that boost energy at the cellular level.

You need more vitality using lyophilized vitamins to fill in all the nutrient gaps that your body is lacking.

You don’t just need a single vitamin like B Complex or Fish Oil. Those are good, in fact, excellent, but they are just a part of what your body needs.

Think of your supplement needs being like a team of horses, not just a single horse. You need a team of horses that are all working together for your body’s health and energy needs.

Dr. Mark Hyman, in his book The UltraMind Solution [affiliate link], says that everyone who wants to keep their brain healthy should invest in high-quality vitamins.  These should include a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral, extra calcium and magnesium, Vitamin D3, Omega 3 fatty acids, extra B vitamins, and a probiotic.

Shaklee’s Vitalizer is such a packet of whole food vitamins. It contains 6 supplements: 2 each of a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral and two each of fish oil, extra E, and carotenoids.

Then the fifth supplement is extra Vitamin B & C in a gel diffusion so you get it released in your system for 12 hours.

And the sixth one is the probiotic we all need for a healthy gut & digestive system.

Good plan for more energyAfter receiving a gift of Vitalizer following her surgery, Sue wrote this to her benefactor:

”Dear Mary, These vitamins really work!  My mental acuity is so improved that I’m becoming much better at Scrabble, and I have energy and patience at the end of the day that I never thought I’d have again. You truly gave me a gift of health.”

Now is the time to boost your energy and well-being by starting on Vitalizer! Learn more about Vitalizer right here.

Which will you choose:

Choice #1: You can continue to feel like that limp balloon that has so many people pulling on your string that sometimes you want to run away. You can try to do everything in your own strength while your body continues to suffer.

With this choice, you will continue to be frustrated that you don’t have the energy you need to do more than just get through basic day to day needs – and even those suffer too.

get more energy for your grandchildrenChoice #2: Or you can invest in Vitalizer, start taking the daily packets and begin to feel your balloon filled up once again with boundless energy.

The special ways that you love to bless people with a meal, write a note of encouragement, or read to those precious grandchildren is now an easy thing for you to accomplish with all your energy and vitality.

In order to fulfill God’s assignments for you in your best frame of mind, you need two things: time in His Word every day AND good physical health.

And that includes abundant energy!  I choose both.

Order Vitalizer right now while it is fresh on your mind and begin to enjoy a filled-up balloon evidenced by lots of energy.

P.S. There is a third choice too: If you are interested in starting out powerfully right out of the gate, choose to start with the Prove It Challenge. It includes Vitalizer and two yummy protein shakes as well as a free product, free shipping, and free membership. Sweet!

Health Disclaimer: This is my opinion and has not been approved by the FDA. Remember to seek medical advice from your health professional for all your medical concerns including your need for more energy.

Do you need more energy? Do you feel like the air has gone out of your balloon?First published: August 2013

Updated: July 2020