“Your mother had a heart attack last night…” was being said to me over the phone. One of her arteries started to close up, causing her chest pain.

She responded quickly, called 9-1-1, and the surgeon was able to get that artery propped open with a stint. Whew – all is well.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

But how about you? How’s your heart holding up these days? Are those arteries nice and open?

High blood pressure (hypertension) is not something to ignore. The elevated blood pressure is from blood trying to get thru constricted arteries. Possible causes include smoking, stress, obesity, too much caffeine, drugs, high salt intake which causes water retention, as well as genetic predisposition, of course.

The only way to know if you have high blood pressure (until that inevitable chest pain, that is!) is to have it checked by a health professional, so make an appointment soon to see if you are okay.

Here are 9 Strategies to Help You Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

1. Reduce sodium intake. Cook with less salt. Switch from table salt to sea salt.
2. Avoid sugar and processed foods.
3. Learn relaxation techniques to heal adrenal exhaustion.
4. Uncover and eliminate hidden allergies by isolating possible culprits one by one.
5. Reduce red meats & dairy products, then major on fresh fruits & vegetables.
6. Drink pure water daily.
7. Detox the body with epsom salt baths, fasting, and taking Liver DeTox supplements.
8. Exercise regularly.
9. Get rid of excess weight (as if that is easy, right?) Hint: I lost 20 lbs using Shaklee’s 180 products.

Natural Supplements That Can Help Reduce High Blood Pressure

In addition to your wellness supplements (multivitamin/mineral, fish oil, probiotic, etc.) that are the basis for everyone’s good health, other essential supplements to help you be healthier are Calcium/Magnesium, Garlic, B-Complex, Stress Relief Complex, CoQHeart, and Vivix. Soy protein is also beneficial. Check out all these supplements here from Shaklee, the #1 natural nutrition company in the US.

Shaklee has a product called Blood Pressure. It is a scientifically-supported nutritional solution to help retain healthy blood pressure by helping to promote healthy blood vessels and blood flow.

grandmother with child
Here are 9 strategies to reduce high blood pressure.

The doctor said that if my Mom had not acted quickly, she would have had a massive heart attack. Please get your blood pressure checked soon and, if needed, take measures to get it within the healthy range.

One more thing: look around you right now at any photo within your sight – on the walls, shelves, mouse-pad, wherever.

Everyone that you see represents some one who really wants you around for a long time! Take care of yourself because of them.

You only have one heart, you know, and high blood pressure is no respecter of persons.

First written: August 2016

Last Updated: August 2021

Health Disclaimer: Remember that this is the opinion of the author and these statements have not been approved by the FDA. This is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your health professional for all your medical concerns about high blood pressure and achieving optimum health.