walking barefoot can boost your health

Have you heard that taking a barefoot stroll outside has health benefits?

As you know, I’m always looking for ways to get healthier, so when I found out about “earthing,” I delved into learning more.

Have you ever realized how good you feel when walking barefoot on the beach? You didn’t realize it, but you were actually connecting to the earth’s magnetic field.

I realize it sounds like mumbo-jumbo, but I have realized that it is a really scientific benefit and one more wonderful thing that our Creator has provided for us on earth.

Learn how walking barefoot outside can help your health.Read more about “Earthing” and the benefits of walking barefoot.

Earthing bookCheck out this book on Amazon: Earthing: The most important healthy discovery ever! [affiliate link]

The authors state, “Exposure to sunlight produces vitamin D in the body. It’s needed for health. Exposure to the ground provides an electrical `nutrient’ in the form of electrons. Think of these electrons as vitamin Gโ€”that is, G for ground. Just like vitamin D, you need vitamin G for your health as well.”

These electrons neutralize the free radicals that cause aging by acting as antioxidants. Among the advantages of “earthing” include improved blood flow, lower risk of metabolic syndrome, improved sleep, decreased discomfort, faster recovery from accidents, less muscle loss with aging, and stronger immunity.

Even sitting in your yard with your bare feet on the grass or dirt can benefit you. When I sit outside at a coffee shop in the grass, I slip my sandels off to put my feet in the grass.

For those of us big into health, walking barefoot outside (also known as earthing) is another tool to add to our arsenal for optimal health!

And it is another reason to give praise to our Creator! Psalm 24:1a says, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there of!”
First published: January 2017
Updated: May 2024

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