Arrival in Heaven: Inspirational Christian Story
Mama’s arrival in heaven must have been incredibly amazing!
If you knew her or have read my book, From Worry to Wonder: Seeing God’s Goodness in Life’s Rearview Mirror, you would agree with me that she was indeed a saint. (You can listen to my book here.)

My mother wrote this poem on September 26th, 2003 and gave it to one of her sweet prayer partners, Gladys. Gladys gave it to her daughter, Marilyn, who ministered in China. Marilyn discovered this poem while she was packing to relocate back to the States with her husband and she graciously sent it to me.
Reading it gives me goosebumps as I think about my sweet mother visualizing what an arrival in heaven might look and feel like eleven years before she embraced her Lord.
Here is what she wrote:
“Visitation in Heaven”
We watched . . .
The runner is finishing the lifelong race to Mount Zion that beautiful city of God,
Breathlessly awaiting abundant entrance into that Heavenly Jerusalem,
Awed by the sight of thousands upon thousands of angels gathered in joyful assembly with the church of the Firstborn~

Then ~ it’s Jesus Himself greeting him,
reaching out with loving hands and welcoming smile,
lifting up the weary worshiper fallen down before Him with love and grateful adoration.
We wonder . . .
(Our finite minds try to grasp that scene of Infinite Glory.)
Does he even move on down the line of dearest loved ones, friends, heroes of the faith who have gone before . . .
Greeting each one with smiles and praises and warm embraces . . .
From most recent arrivals to those who have been there long? . . .
From immediate family to those extended beyond? . . .
From ones known most intimately to those never met? . . .

We know . . .
There’ll be no confusion, no more nervousness, uncomfortable self-consciousness, not knowing what to say.
Painful complexes that have haunted all our lives ~
fears, agonies over sin and missing the mark of God’s perfect love,
Coming so far short of His glory that we cannot bear the shame ~
All that will be utterly cast away in the Glory of his Presence.
The living, loving Lord Jesus Christ will prevail over every thought
And we’ll know . . .
His love,
His joy,
His peace.
His righteousness,
His goodness,
His Holiness.
We’ll be completely free and fulfilled ~
satisfied with His likeness!
To God be the glory!
Written by Margaret Roth on this side of heaven, September 26th, 2003
Editor’s Note: Margaret Roth arrival in heaven happened on April 16th, 2014 when she entered the presence of her Lord. There are many more amazing stories of Mama’s life in my book – including the desertion of her husband, a visit by the FBI, and having a firecracker thrown at her. In all her trials, she glorified God Who cared for her every single day.
First published: Nov. 2017
Updated: Oct. 2024
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