What do you do as a Christian when trials come your way?
What is your reaction when you have a trial fall into your lap?
Despair? Ringing your hands? Exasperation?
Well, if you are human, you probably have some of that to some degree anyway. At least I sure tend that way.
I thought I would share another inspirational Christian story with you today!
Our college daughter’s i-phone was stolen one Friday night and she texted me from her computer in her distress. We went into action right away, of course, calling Verizon and the police, etc.
And, yes, she had “find my phone” app installed but the thief knew to turn her phone off so we couldn’t locate it. 🙁
Here is what our incredible God orchestrated:
After talking with the Verizon agent who disabled her phone and told me our options:
1. I messaged on Facebook to our local friends asking if anyone had an old Verizon phone we could borrow for three weeks. A friend HAPPENED to be online right then and messaged back “I think I do – let me look.” Within an hour, the phone was in a bag on her porch waiting for me to pick it up!
Side bonus: When I picked it up, she gave me two lovely coats she was getting rid of and thought we might like!
2. We just HAPPENED to be traveling to see our daughter for her concert the very next day, so we could take her the temporary phone and go to Verizon to get it activated. We have not been to visit her this entire semester! It’s about 3.5 hours drive away.
3. My husband HAPPENED to have an upgrade offer on our account for a free I-phone 5c that was to expire in two days! We were able to use his upgrade as a buddy upgrade to get our daughter a free i-phone 5 replacement ordered. (Value: $650)
4. The guy waiting on us was so nice and when I HAPPENED to tell Kinza that one of my Shaklee clients had given us her old phone, he then asked me for my Shaklee business card! He said, “You are giving us business so I can give you business too!”
God is so creative in how He solves our seemingly mundane problems and trials!
What kind of trial are you experiencing right now?
Remember that God can creatively solve your problem.
Jeremiah 33:3 says “Call to me and I will answer you.” This is so true!
Even if He had not solved our problem in that way, He is still a good God.
Trust Him! Call to Him. God is faithful.
First published: April 2014
Updated: August 27, 2018
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