Six Tips for Getting Kids to Take Good Vitamins
The Problem: Getting Kids to Take Good Vitamins So They Can Avoid Sickness
You are on a mission to get healthier and that includes your family’s health, so you have researched natural kids’ vitamins to find the best out there.
But you are frustrated because your kids don’t want to take them. Sound familiar?
Your problem could be the result of your child never taking vitamins before and they simply don’t want to start now.
Or it could be that they have been taking an inferior vitamin, possibly loaded with sugar and binders. They don’t like the flavor of the higher-quality, natural supplement you want them to switch to.
Or, it could be that swallowing a pill (if they are old enough for that) isn’t their favorite thing to do, so it can even be challenging to get teens to take their vitamins. (Believe me, I know by experience. Chewables make the most sense!)
Whatever your situation, I want to give you some tips on helping to accomplish your goal of getting your kids to take the best vitamins for them and thus, improve their health during their youth.
But before I do that, let me share with you what families are raving about now: a packet of vitamins (3 gummies, 1 gelly) personalized with your child’s name and icon of choice on them! It’s called “Meology Kids” by Shaklee. No more balking at taking their good supplements. Even adults who don’t like to swallow pills are ordering these great packets. Check them out here.
Meanwhile, here are some . . .
Tips for Getting Kids to Take Vitamins:
#1: Use enthusiasm and positive persuasion to build up a happy anticipation of the new great vitamin. You can even try using a date in the future for further build up. “Next Sunday we are going to start your new, yummy vitamins! Aren’t you excited?”

Or if there is a milestone soon, use that for leverage: “You’re going to start preschool next Wednesday. Oh boy! That is when you also get to start taking your big boy vitamins.”
#2: Prepare beforehand to give the new taste the best chance of being accepted (especially if he has been used to a sweet, poor-quality vitamin). Be sure he has nothing sweet to eat or drink before taking the vitamin.
Clearing the tastebuds with milk is an option. Follow the new vitamin with a desirable “chaser” like a good tasting fruit juice, so that they associate the vitamin with the juice.
#3: Try giving a half portion to start with and build up to more. You can crush vitamins too and mix them into some food like applesauce.
But don’t spread them out in a full portion as that might accomplish the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish with getting kids to take vitamins. They might end up hating vitamins AND applesauce. (Remember that nutritional supplements should always be taken with food, not on an empty stomach.)
#4: Talk to them at their age-level about how these vitamins are going to help them build up strong and healthy bodies so they don’t get sick as much. Appealing to their reasoning is something you should be doing about most everything that you are teaching them, not just about getting kids to take vitamins.
#5: Grind it in a smoothie. For water-soluble vitamins like their multi-vitamin/mineral or Vitamin C, throw it into a smoothie that you are blending up for them.
#6: If all else fails, try the reward system (okay, otherwise known as bribery). To be able to enjoy dessert or whatever, they need to take their vitamin.
I have a friend whose children love their Shaklee Incredivites which are dairy free too. She tells them they “get” to have a vitamin after they take their nap! Smart mommy.
My grandson loves his Shakleekids Super Immunity Gummies which help to boost his immune system.
And for your kids’ brain development, check out the chewable Omega gellies (hint: these are also in the Meology Kids packet!)
Bonus Tip: Reinforce their success by telling someone else while in the child’s presence, of their great ability to take their vitamins.
For instance, while talking to Grandma on the phone, you can say, “Guess what? Tyler is doing such a great job taking his vitamins now. I think he is really maturing and I am so proud of him.” (This works for other behaviors you want to reinforce too, not just getting kids to take vitamins.)
Your end result will be kids who are eager to take their good vitamins AND will avoid sickness like never before!
One of my good friends called me in desperation one day: “My kids never got sick while they were on the Incredivites. Then I ran out of them and failed reorder. As soon as school started back up, they were all three sick! Help! Send me some more kids’ vitamins ASAP!”
Good health and strong immune systems are so important for our families. Use these tips to get your kids to love taking their healthy vitamins.
P.S. Meology Kids has an ongoing promotion: buy two and get 10% off each; buy 3 and get 15% off of each one. Sweet! And Shaklee’s loyalty program means you will earn free products as you continue to order and who doesn’t like being rewarded for making good vitamin choices!
What has worked for you as you give your kids the best vitamins?
First published: Sept 2016
Updated: Jun 2022
Remember that this post is not meant to treat, cure, or diagnose any illness and is the opinion of the author (me!) Check with your health professional for all your medical concerns.
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