Four Healing Benefits of the Sun
Did you know that there are amazing natural healing benefits of the sun?
Has exposure to the sun been something that you try to avoid? You hear all the stories of skin cancer and harm to your eyes and you are bombarded with the need for sunscreen and sunglasses. But is it possible that sun exposure could actually help to heal your body? I think so.
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When we lived in Africa, one of our friends told us that his wife was wasting away due to an illness that had taken over her body. He asked us to come to his home to pray for her.
As soon as I could, I drove to their village to visit. When I entered the dark hut and my eyes had adjusted to the ink black darkness, I could see Akosua on her cot – she looked like a skeleton with skin on.
Her big, hollow eyes stared at me and I felt I was looking at death itself. My heart went out to her in her weakened state.
Akosua most likely had had a stroke – I didn’t know. All I knew was that she needed help – but what did I have to give?
I inwardly prayed for wisdom and strength as to what to say and do. Then I told her sisters and her husband to bring her out into the sun every day for 30 minutes or so and to move her arms and legs each day very gently. Even to my untrained medical eye, I could see that her muscles were atrophying from disuse.
I prayed for God to have mercy on her and bring her back to health as only He can. He is truly Jehovah Rapha.
A few weeks later, I went to visit again. As Akosua lay motionless on her cot, her eyes opened and seemed to smile at me.
I asked her caretakers how things were going with Akosua’s care.
They said they were taking her into the sun each day and that they were moving her arms and legs like I had advised.
I asked them if moving her arms and legs was hurting her and they replied: “Oh yes, she screams.” Scared me to death! I quickly back pedaled and said, “Remember to be gentle. Progress slowly.”
They did tell me, though, that she seemed to like being out in the sun.
I prayed again before I left, all the while thanking God again for the gift of health that we so often take for granted and thanking Him for the beautiful, warm sun that He placed in the sky for us to enjoy. And I asked Him to heal His daughter.
Working with sweet Akosua reminded me of the healing benefits of the sun that God has put into His amazing creation.
Here are four healing benefits of the sun:
1. Helps You Process Vitamin D: “The sunshine vitamin is different from other vitamins in that it influences your entire body — receptors that respond to the vitamin have been found in almost every type of human cell, from your brain to your bones,” according to Dr. Mercola.
“Vitamin D can positively impact heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, multiple schlerosis, and osteoporosis.” Now that is pretty amazing!
Even with optimal sun exposure which most of us can’t get anyway, it is usually advisable to supplement with all natural Vitamin D3. Consult with your doctor to check your blood levels and see how much you should be supplementing for achieving optimal D3 levels.
Are you unknowingly taking the wrong vitamins? There is a big difference between natural and synthetic vitamins. Always choose all natural, lyophilized supplements for optimal health.
2. Can Help the Body to Fight Diseases: Mercola further states: “Optimizing your vitamin D levels by good sun exposure could possibly help you to prevent different cancers.”
3. Can Improve Eyesight: Believe it or not, exposing your eyes to sunlight can improve your vision. (But don’t ever look directly at the sun – just in the direction of the sun without sunglasses on, for just a short time.) Some of the energy and health benefit your eyes can get from the sun are blocked by eyeglasses and contact lenses. Dr. John Ott states that when he exposed his eyes to sunlight his vision improved.
4. Helps to Boost Moods: Ever get the blues on a dreary day or during the long winter months? Could be that you need more light therapy! The sun is great for boosting your spirits.
Dr. Jacob Liberman, with doctorates in both optometry and vision science, says that humans were made to thrive under the light of the our sun and we potentially harm ourselves when we hide from sunlight.
Dr. Liberman warns us not to look at the sun directly and to avoid exposure between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. But he emphasizes that light is a necessary nutrient for the body and advises that we should be outside in natural light, without sunglasses or sun screen, for at least one hour each day.
Soon after my second visit to Akosua, we left for furlough for a year. When we returned, I went to visit her, praying that she was still alive.
When I got to the village, I saw a happy sight: Akosua was sitting outside and she was fat! I mean she really had some good bulk on her and best of all, she had a huge smile on her face!
She was praising God for healing her.
Give your health a boost today – spend a little time in the sun – and put a smile on your face. God certainly used it to turn around Akosua’s health.
Get your own all natural Vitamin D3 here. It is like sun in a caplet form!
Speaking of the sun, it reminds me of the truth in Psalm 84:11 – “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” (NKJV)
Disclaimer: Remember that this post is my opinion and that it is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Consult with your health professional for your health concerns including the health benefits of the sun.
First published: April 2016
Updated: July 2018
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