Grand Canyon Reflection: Learning to Be Still
I’ve always want
ed to see the Grand Canyon in person.
I have heard that photos just don’t do it justice. For one thing, photos are two dimensional. The Grand Canyon is 3 dimensional. There is a big difference.
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Have you ever been on one of those rides where you are surrounded by movie screens while you sit in chair lift and it is as if you are flying through the air with all those things around you? It is an experience you will never forget.
You feel like you are there.
And the reason is simple: because it is all around you – every where you look, you are in that particular scene.
And so it is with the Grand Canyon.
You have to be there to grasp its magnitude. Okay, let’s be truthful – you actually can NOT grasp its magnitude. That is because we are so small in comparison.
But you do get a bit more of an inkling of how vast God is and how small you are. At least I sure did.
But I am getting ahead of myself.
A few years ago my husband and I booked a trip to the Grand Canyon along with his brother and sister-in-law. My husband isn’t exactly a romantic, but that is okay. I was happy for his brother and wife to come along. We get along well and it would give the trip another dimension – to have time with them too whom we don’t get to see very often since we are in Wisconsin and they are in Texas.
So our trip to the Grand Canyon became a reality.
We rode a train from Williams, Arizona to the canyon’s rim which was part of our package deal.
The first glimpse of the canyon was from the train window and wow! It looked . . . well . . . just like the photos. Far away. Hazy. A two-dimensional picture.
But then we finally got to the first look out point on the southern rim.
My hands grasped the rail as I scanned 180 degrees in front of me. Every view was different. Every rock formation a new one to study. Every glimpse of the Colorado River a surprise.
There were many internationals at the canyon’s rim – I could hear a lot of different languages being spoken.
And yet to stand at an overlook point as a group resulted in the exact same response: silence.
Being still. (Oh, and taking about a thousand photos!)
It didn’t matter what country you were from or what you language you spoke.
Every one there had the same response – to be still.
It reminded me of Psalm 46:10 – “Be still; and know that I am God.”
Every single one of us there, overlooking the vast canyon, were being still . . . in awe . . . trying to comprehend the magnitude of the canyon. And then a few of us were actually being still while worshiping our Creator.
My biggest take-away from experiencing the Grand Canyon was that God is so big and I am so small . . . and yet He cares about me – He even knows the number of hairs on my head (and they were sure blowing at the canyon!)
Psalm 8 says “When I consider the heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; what is man, that You take thought of him and the son of man that you care for him?
Have you ever had an experience where you felt the bigness of God and the smallness of yourself by comparison? Leave a comment below to share it with us.
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