Natural Health Remedy for Fat-burning – Right in Your Cupboard!
Did you know you can boost your fat-burning ability by using a vinegar-based salad dressing ? Yes, it’s true.
Natural Health Remedy Is Simply a Daily Dose of Pure Apple Cider Vinegar
A daily dose of vinegar, about two tablespoons worth, can help you get rid of body fat. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. See full disclosure here.
Researchers have concluded that obese people who included one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (I use Braggs’s [affiliate link]) in their daily diet dissolved more body fat than those who were on an identical diet but without the vinegar. Ordinary household vinegar seems to be able to turn on genes that help fight fat.

Vinegar Helps the Body Burn Fat
According to a study published in
“The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” on July 8th, 2009, the tart condiment packs a powerful punch for people wanting to shed extra weight. Not only does vinegar help the body burn fat, but it also makes it harder for the body to store fat.
It is interesting to note that when dieters stopped taking the vinegar, their levels of body fat returned to their pre-study levels within four short weeks. Bummer. Got to stick with it – just like with exercise.
Vinegar Can Help Control Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure – another great benefit of this natural health remedy!
Vinegar has a history of being known as a cure-all for many ills. Modern medical evidence is slowly coming on board to add proof to some of the claims about the benefits of vinegar. Recently scientists have suggested that the main chemical in vinegar, called acetic acid, can help control blood sugar and blood pressure.
The current findings are pointing to the possibility that vinegar might help a person lose weight. In a Japanese study, researchers gave acetic acid or water to mice via a stomach tube. All were provided a high-fat diet to eat normally.
The mice who were given acetic acid developed a lot less body fat (up to 10% less) than mice who didn’t receive the vinegar compound. The quantity of food eaten by the mice was not affected by the group they were in.
In conclusion it is believed that acetic acid boost genes that produce proteins which help the body break down fats. This particular action helps prevent fat buildup in body, and consequently, can thwart weight gain.
So make it a habit. I like putting vinegar on cooked spinach. Good-bye fat and hello pickles! Be sure to use organic apple cider vinegar like Bragg’s and avoid the commercial vinegars that look clean and taste like vinegar but have no health value.
How do you incorporate vinegar into your diet?
For more helpful and unusual weight loss strategies, check out “20 Unusual Weight Loss Strategies that Work” on kindle. If you don’t have a kindle, Amazon provides a free app so you can read this ebook on your ipad, iPhone, computer, or other mobile device.
Disclaimer: This post is the opinion of the author and is not supported by the FDA. Contact your medical professional for all your health concerns. This opinion about vinegar is not meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
First published: May 2011
Updated: October 2019
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