How Your Love Makes You Proactive about Your Vitamins
“My baby’s cries were inconsolable. Though she couldn’t talk, her constant pulling at her ear spoke volumes to me.
She had another ear-ache.
The antibiotics were not working. This was her third round in less than a year.
I had had enough.
There had to be good vitamins that could help her.
So I did my research and found these.
I am so glad that God put healing into nature and gave men and women the skills and knowledge to get these nutrients into a form to help my baby stay well.
I would say my love for my child made me proactive about my vitamins.” – Hannah M.
Because of her love, Hannah is the champion of her daughter’s health.
“My wife, Bonnie, suffered with intestinal discomfort even from the start of our 40 year marriage.
She tried everything the doctor dished out, but she only got worse.
Wanting to find what her body was lacking, I stocked up on vitamins.
Those didn’t work either. She lost weight down to 85 lbs and was bed-ridden.
A friend from church recommended these lyophilized vitamins, but we were both skeptical saying “We already tried vitamins and they didn’t work.”
But our friend urged us to try these out, emphasizing that there was a money-back guarantee if they didn’t work.
So we did.
And Bonnie’s life began to change at that point.
I would come home from my construction job, hand her the cash I had earned, and say, “Call the vitamin guy and get more.”
Today she is a health and wellness coach herself, sharing the best vitamins around so others can get healthy too.
I guess it was my love for her that made me proactive about our vitamins.” – John Z.
Because of his love, John is the champion of his wife’s health.
Susan leaned forward as the doctor repeated herself: “Your LDL is too high and I want to put you on statins.”
Susan had already done her research though, and she calmly said, “No, thank you. I want to go the natural route.”
She got home and called me asking for the lyophilized supplement that would help to reduce her LDL and raise her HDL, all using natural plant extracts.
After 6 months on this supplement, Susan returned for a check-up and her LDL was down by 48 points! The doctor was astounded.
Perhaps it was Susan’s love for keeping her body healthy the natural way that made her proactive about her vitamins.
Susan was a champion of her own health.
I bet that you are serious about your health and the health of your family such that you are a serious researcher. You read labels and health articles like nobody’s business.
You are the champion of your family’s health.
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