Too Busy? Compare the Egret to a Squirrel
Category:Do you ever feel like you are just too busy?
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As I was driving recently, three beautiful egrets were slowly crossing the road.
They had not a care in the world crossing the four-lane highway – they expected all the drivers to simply make a path for them to safely cross.
It made me think about the difference between egrets and squirrels. Squirrels dart across the road – seemingly in between your tires as you swerve to avoid hitting one. They seem poised ready for action at any moment – even their movements are jerky and well, nervous-appearing.
And I wondered, how am I living my life each day – like an egret – calmly and deliberately accomplishing each task, or like a squirrel – darting here and there, frantically trying to escape being run down by something bigger than me?
Recently I was getting my phone cord out of the cupboard behind my computer and I paused to read my mission statement that I have taped on the inside of the cupboard door.
Two of the items (#5 & #7) served as needed reminders to become more like the egret:
5 – To live a life of truth, simplicity, joy, and contentment – devoid of busyness and overwhelm. I acknowledge that how I live each day is a matter of my personal choice.
7 – To honor how God has made me purposefully crafting an organized and disciplined life that is characterized by peace, and taking time to appreciate beauty all around me.
James 4:14 says “Yet you do not know what your life will be like. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”
I believe that God WANTS us to be purposeful and wise with what we fill our days with. But I also believe He doesn’t want us to be characterized by frenzy activity, but rather with peacefulness.
Are you too busy?
How are you living your days? Like an egret or a squirrel?
Leave a comment with your own thoughts of how you are living your daily life.
First published: Sep. 2014
Updated: Nov. 2018
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