How does the lymphatic system workEver wonder just how does the lymphatic system work?

I know that you often hear the need to get moving for better health, but have you ever stopped to ask why you need to exercise?

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. See full disclosure here.  And have you ever wondered about the irony of feeling like you have more energy after you exercise?

You Need to Get Moving for your Lymphatic System to Function Well

The main answer as to why you need to get moving for better health is for the well-being of your lymphatic system!
Think about this: most people have an understanding of how the cardiovascular system works and exactly why you need to keep it healthy.
In contrast, most people don’t understand the lymphatic system and yet it is also vitally important to your optimum health.
A simple lesson on the lymphatic system, how it works, and how you can keep it functioning well with a plan to get moving!
The lymphatic system consists of a network of tubes filled with fluid whose job is to continuously bathe your cells. They then carry away the toxins and wastes to special filters called lymph nodes where they can be processed or detoxified.
how does the lymphatic system workAmazingly, there is three times more lymph fluid in the average body than blood!
The blood that has a pump to keep it moving throughout the body, but in order for lymph fluid to circulate through the body, it needs movement and gravity.
Exercise, jumping, massage, and other movement is required for optimal functioning of your lymphatic system. The less you move, the more stagnant your lymph system becomes and the more lethargic you feel.
A lot of people have sluggish lymphatic systems without even realizing it. Swollen lymph glands are one obvious sign.
But other common complaints are allergies, chronic sinusitis, high blood pressure, lack of energy, arthritis, and headaches – all of which can possibly be linked back to blocked or congested lymph nodes.
Inspiration to Get Moving
I learned more about the need to get moving to move my lymph fluids through T-Tapp exercises. After doing T-Tapp for 3 weeks, I lost two inches from my waist. I felt more energetic and I could tell my muscles were getting stronger. I love the emphasis on strengthening the back muscles too.
 Another benefit to the health of your lymphatic system while incorporating exercise into your daily routine is to take alfalfa supplements at each meal. Alfalfa helps rid the body of retained water, helps support healthy kidney and bladder function, and helps to normalize body chemistry because it has very alkalizing effect.
 Think of alfalfa as a high-powered vegetable! It is also known as a green super food. It should be a part of your wellness program.

So that is how the lymphatic system works.

 Are you surprised?  You knew all about aerobic exercising for your heart health, strength training for your muscles’ health, and now you know about helping your lymphatic system through movement.
Easy Solution to Get Moving
Remember your lymphatic fluids need to be processed through your body so they can do their job and get the toxins out, but they can’t do it while you sit on the couch!
My favorite solution that is easy on the joints is jumping on a mini-trampolene. I keep a rebounder [affiliate link] near my desk where I can regularly take “get moving” breaks and bounce up and down for awhile. Kids love it too.
Hmmm – I think I will go take a bounce break.
So what are you going to do today to get moving and improve your lymphatic system function?
Health Disclaimer: This post is the opinion of the author and these statements have not been approved by the FDA. This is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Contact your health professional for all your medical concerns and be sure to get moving!